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Products & Solutions 


We at Dynamic are always in the lookout for the best solution in providing a substantial and clean energy production and services. We are always working on tons of new innovative ideas and materialize for the betterment of society and the world.  We look in the sector of energy production, oil and gas organization, logistics, and much more.  The ultimate aim is to reduce the usage of emission and pollution caused by an uncontrolled environment. Here are some of the projects we are working on and made available for the whole world.

(Vacuum Palm Oil Effluent Water Extraction System)

Our engineer came up with a solution whereby this whole POME issue can be rectified by introducing a very effective effluent management system called VPOMEWES.


This system will make a zero pollution (Zero Discharge) and very friendly to the environment as it runs fully on electric-zero emission. Cuts the cost of fuel by 80% and the end result is just a distilled water and ash.

(Revolution of Home/Office)

This is one ergonomic way to build up a space for occupancy with less the amount in cost and time. Easy fix with durability which can withstand harsh conditions. This FLEXcabin can be added up to build up a home or apartment. 

This can also be used for all types of accommodations, hotels, construction setup, and much more. Send us an email and inquiry more on this..

Wastage Energy System
(Converting Waste to Energy Modular)

We would like to inform those who would like to invest in green energy projects in their own country, we are providing service to build infrastructure for recycling wastage and management system. Fully customized and efficient. Services such as:

1) Clean energy development

2) Wastage Management (Solid & Non-Solid Waste)

3) Energy Management & Creation(Renewable Energy

Voltronic Inverter 
(Voltage Stabilizer/ Inverter)

This is a customize inverter and stabilizer for home and commercial use. This device saves about 30-45% of electrical usage by managing its overflow current, storing it, and delivering upon needed. Manufactured locally, this device is targeted for local and also overseas markets.

(Drone For Multipurpose Uses)

We also engineer self-made drones for customized usage. These drones can be used for any commercial purposes and industrial needs. Our clients can able to send over their requirements for us to identify the best design for them.

Our drones come from various sizes, right from mini drones up to human carrying capacity drones.

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